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发表于 2019-07-25 11:36:50 股吧网页版
The three inside up pattern
发表于 2019-07-25 15:20:35
Last three days (22nd, 23rd,and 24th) formed the three inside up pattern which is a bullish pattern. This seemed to be a short-term reversal to form a new uptrend. If the closing price on 24th was not that clearly higher than the opening price on 22nd, today's price action may help form the three white solder pattern which is also a bullish pattern. However, the volume still dried up.
发表于 2019-08-01 15:21:32
Today is the first distribution day in the most recent uptrend.
发表于 2019-08-06 12:07:57
The most recent uptrend is dead for now.If you are a trader, you may want to get out of the market when it rebounds. If you are an investor, be patient.Although the market is in the down-trend, it looks that the room for going down further is limited.
发表于 2019-08-06 16:27:52
Today, August 6th, is the third distribution day. Although the most recent uptrend failed, a long legged doji was formed today which is a bullish sign.
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