2024-04-29 16:12:54
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SIGLENT Technologies Co.,Ltd

Corporate Value and Return EnhancementAction Plan 2024

SIGLENT Technologies Co.,Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") has
formulated the " Corporate Value and Return Enhancement Action Plan 2024" in
order to practice the "investor-centric" ethos of listed companies and protect the
interests of all shareholders, and promote the high-quality and sustainable
development of the Company in light of the development strategy and operational
situation of the Company. The details are as follows:

I. Deeply Exploring the Main Business to Strengthen Core Competitiveness

The Company is a R&D-driven high-tech enterprise. Since its establishment, the
Company has been focusing on the development and technological innovation of
general electronic test and measuring instruments. The Company is a state-level
"Little Giant" enterprise, with its main business being the research, development,
production and sales of digital oscilloscopes, waveform and signal generators,
spectrum analyzers, network analyzers, power supplies, multimeters and other general
electronic test and measuring instruments.

The Company is one of the few manufacturers of general electronic test and
measuring instruments in the world that has the ability to develop, produce and sell
the four main products of general electronic test and measuring instruments, namely
digital oscilloscopes, signal generators, spectrum analyzers and network analyzers,
and it is also one of the few companies in the world that owns these four main
products at the same time, and has entered into the high-end field of the entire line of
the four main products. The Company is headquartered in Shenzhen, with subsidiaries
in Cleveland (USA), Augsburg (Germany) and Tokyo (Japan), a branch office in
Chengdu, and offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Wuhan and Nanjing.

In 2024, the Company will continue to focus on the continuous exploration of its main


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