2024-05-22 18:28:58
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Henglin Home Furnishings Co., Ltd.
Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG) Report

Address: No. 378, 380, Jiaxi Road, Dipu Subdistrict, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China Tel.: 0572-5227673 Website:www.henglin.com

1 2 Stewardship in the Home

Sustainable Development Furnishings Market: Upholding

About This Report 01 Management Lawful Operations and Integrity

Message from the Chairman 03 15 Sustainable Development Philosophy 23 Scientific and Standardized Governance

About Henglin 05 16 Comprehensive Risk Management 24 Enhancement of Internal Control and Compliance

Annex 103 16 Stakeholder Communication 28 Optimization of Investor Relations Management

Indexes 103 18 Analysis of Substantive Issues 31 Upholding of Business Ethics

19 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations

Feedback Form 105

3 Leadership in Low-Carbon 4 Commitment to Excellence in Quality: 5 Creation of a Better Future for the
Development Trend: Guarding the Winning Reputation with Superior Home Furnishing Industry……


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