China did not release soybean inventory data, the market is estimated to store
2016-07-18 09:23:32
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China did not release soybean inventory data, the market is estimated to store about 500 tons of storage.
If the DCE, ZCE also add a few times a transaction fee, soybean meal will be continuous limit. To avoid the continuous limit is extremely important. Finished, to limit +$futures 3 times charging fees caused by the poor dissimilation price cut should be noted. Expected China's annual soybean production increased by 8.6% to 1260 tons in 2016. U. S. agricultural products will continue to fall? The global weather is good and there are huge selling soybean continued to fall; to limit the influx of air. Affected by the economic situation is not good: reproduction limit the influx of commodity. Pork prices fell sharply, pig cycle has seen a sharp fall. No one listens, no one's watching. Sad ah!
若大商所也学郑商所加几倍收交易费,豆粕也将连续跌停。避免连续跌停极其重要。完了,要跌停了+$ 期货3倍差异化手续费收费方式致期价“腰斩”须注意。预计中国2016年度大豆产量增长8.6%至1260万吨。美国农产品将持续暴跌?全球天气良好且有巨量卖盘,大豆持续暴跌;有利于空方跌停潮。受经济形势不好的影响:商品再现跌停潮。猪价大幅下跌 ,“猪周期”已见顶转暴跌。没人听,也没人看。悲哀啊!
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