2018-01-10 10:18:00
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This message is for the guy who:
Can trade stocks only by words;
Has never heard of honesty and faith;
Thinks he has made great fortune — just in his mind.
That was the idea of himself al-hough we should think such a person simply crazy.This guy is “FengZheng the Fool”.Some think FengZheng the Fool really was crazy,and we hope he was,for it is hard to think any human being who was not crazy could act as he did.And I still remember the whisper of the bear — “Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch!”
What do you mean by being good?
When I was a boy — I may still believe in Santa Claus — mother used to say ”Let courage be proved by deeds — not by words!”
When I was young — I may have hundreds of friends — mother used to say “Talk the talk,walk the walk!”
When I grew up — I may plan the kind of my life I would have when I had plenty of money for too much too soon—mother used to say that was my Castle in Spain!
Only a few words,it stamps me all with my own peculiar mark.
I knew very well that:
Good behavior and ability are not cut apart — they are still joined and always will be,until the Creator does the separating!
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