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发表于 2016-12-15 21:16:38 股吧网页版
Queuing up to buy + continuous limit + short supply By the OPEC and non OPEC
Queuing up to buy + continuous limit + short supply By the OPEC and non OPEC oil producing countries for the first time in 15 years to reach a global cut agreement boosted, oil prices rose sharply higher innovation. Speculators who are short of crude oil are also quickly evacuated. The domestic oil price increase in the ninth year, to fill a box of gasoline will spend 17 yuan. Oil prices will meet the biggest increase in 4 years, or up to 405 yuan per ton. River Steel shares (000709) in the third quarter net profit surge. An increase of 248.35%, massive pay +000709 continuous limit break 排队抢购+连续涨停+供不应求+ 受OPEC与非OPEC产油国15年来首次达成全球性减产协议提振,油价大幅上涨创新高。做空原油的投机者也在快速撤离。 国内油价年内第9次上调,加满一箱汽油将多花17元。油价将迎4年来最大涨幅,每吨或上调405元。 河钢股份(000709)第三季度净利大增。同比大增248.35%,巨量买单+000709 连续涨停突破
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