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发表于 2012-07-21 13:03:14 股吧网页版
商品期货全线跌停,机构面临“爆仓”。+ 郑麦暴跌风波录。+ 沪铜期货出现6个跌停,期货公司慌了。+ 商品寒风凛冽:投资者做多亏损100亿元。
期市大部分投机资金已入股市,全球玉米价格即将大幅下跌。又因为雨季到来,中国大多数玉米在农村储存条件不好,容易发霉变质及虫蛀,用作饲料易让畜禽病死;若不尽快抛售玉米将坏在农户手里!并且无库存放今年将收获的新玉米。建议购买方备好空库,等待玉米涌入市场排队抛售深跌后逢低买入使用!同理,雨季到来,稻谷易发芽霉变及虫蛀,今年早稻播种面积增加,早籼稻现货供应增多,市场供大于求,价格即将大幅下跌;加上多头获利平仓盘及套期保值盘涌出,甚至还有多翻空者;易使再做多者爆仓或穿仓! 血本无归。
袁隆平:超级稻亩产逾926公斤,亩产1000公斤目标可以实现,推广杂交水稻可望多养活4亿多人 。
Soybean meal will be open to the continuous limit of the trip (DCE released futures irregularities amendments to the regulatory measures); sell open first wins! Two days later the United States the clouds with rain, the soybean growing well, will be the harvest. Careful soybean futures in case of rain the lower limit ...Commodity futures across the board limit, institutions facing "critical ". Zhengmai slump storm recorded. Shanghai copper futures 6 limit, futures companies panic. Goods cold and windy: investors do more loss of 10 billion yuan.Of most of the city of speculative funds into the stock market, the global price of corn is about to fell sharply. But also because of the rainy season, most of the corn in storage conditions in rural areas is not good, easy to moldy and moth-eaten, used as a feed is easy to let the livestock died; if not as soon as possible to sell the corn will be bad in the hands of the farmers! And no inventory to put the new corn of the year will be harvested. Proposed purchaser to prepare an empty library, waiting for the corn into the market queuing Buying selling deep down! Similarly, the rainy season, rice is easy to germinate mildew and moth-eaten rice acreage has increased this year, early indica rice increased shelf, market oversupply, the price will soon dropped sharply; plus profit long open s and hedging disk emission, and even more than Wheeling; easy to do multi-warehouse explosion or wear warehouse drain.Yuan Longping: super rice more than 926 kilograms per mu yield of 1000 kg target can be achieved, the promotion of hybrid rice is expected to feed 400 million people.The dollar index rose, indicating the parity of the dollar and other currencies of the rose that is the U.S. dollar on the international major commodities are priced in dollars, then the corresponding commodity prices should decline. Predict the dollar index rose to 84.90 How long will it take?
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