船舶扶持政策将出台。下一艘航母更大,战斗力更强。 CCTV-4 说船舶订单急增……【2012-05-
船舶扶持政策将出台。下一艘航母更大,战斗力更强。 CCTV-4 说船舶订单急增……【2012-05-09】航母概念;中船股份(600072)涨停。航母概念股成全天亮点。中船股份午后13:50左右,再度巨单封涨停,涨停价格20.41元,涨幅10.03%。带动广船国际,中国船舶(600150)等个股发力二轮上攻。船舶板块集体飙升;中船股份领衔上攻。中般股份股性活跃,频频获得游资青睐。主要原因是中国首艘航母在今年正式下水,预计未来中国可能增加配置更多航母的战斗群,这样会给相关企业带来实质性利好,作为船舶配件和维修的国内重要企业,其市场份额值得期待。 300元:2007年10月11日11点20分,中国船舶迎来"巅峰时刻"。中国船舶股票也赢得"硬通货"的美誉。300元的高价,也犹如A股市场中的珠穆朗玛峰顶,至今尚无人逾越。作为一家明确提出要在2015年成为世界第一造船集团,从而推动我国成为第一造船大国这一战略目标的大央企;或许,中国船舶仍然是投资者追随的传奇。 2006年2月13日,沪东重机股份有限公司研制的国内首台MANB&W7K90MC-C船用柴油机顺利通过了船级社、船厂和船东的提交验收,这是目前国内制造的缸径最大、功率最大的船用大功率低速柴油机,中国船用大功率低速柴油机制造首次突破了缸径900mm大关。成功表明沪东重机大缸径船用低速柴油机的制造能力又上了一个新的台阶。 Ship supporting policies will be introduced. An aircraft carrier under the bigger, stronger strength. China central television (CCTV) - 4 said ship orders increase... 【 2012-05-09 】 the carrier concept; The Chinese shares harden (600072). Carrier stocks into bright spots throughout the day. Zhong chuan prominence in the afternoon, again big single seal harden, harden price 20.41 yuan, or 10.03%. Drive GuangChuan international, China shipping (600150) among power attack on second round. Ship plate collective soaring; The Chinese shares led the attack. In stock shares sexually active, frequently get hot money. Main reason is China"s first aircraft carrier in the launch this year, the next China may increase configuration more aircraft carrier battle group, this will give the enterprise bring substantial, as an important enterprises, ship accessories, and maintenance of domestic market share is worth looking forward to. 300 yuan: 2007 on October 11, 11 p.m, China welcomed "peak" of the ship. Chinese shares also has earned its reputation as the "hard currency" of the ship. The high price 300 yuan, also like in the a-share market to the top of mount Everest, noone ever overcome. As a clearly put forward to become the world"s shipbuilding group in 2015, and promote became the first shipbuilding powers in the strategic goal of large state-owned enterprises; Maybe the Chinese ship still is the legendary investors to follow. On February 13, 2006, hudong zhonghua ChongJi co., LTD., developed the first domestic MANB&W 7 k90mc - C Marine diesel engine smoothly passed the ship"s classification society, shipyard and ship owner to submit acceptance, this is the current domestic manufacturing cylinder diameter of the largest and most powerful of Marine high-power diesel engine at low speed, for the first time China Marine high-power low-speed diesel engine manufacturing the diameter 900 mm mark. Success suggests ChongJi hudong zhonghua big bore Marine low speed diesel engine manufacturing capabilities again on a new step.
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