风口飞+$ 全世界大宗商品都要暴涨+最大的利好+人民币增发是美元增发的4.8倍。央行“放水”7万亿,人民币贬值2%!买房才是王道+连续涨停+大量买进。火箭发射+柱柱擎天+巨资买入。巨资持续涌入时几分钟就能涨停。持续高涨速,天天高涨幅。涨停突破!其连续涨停概率极大;走向供不应求。好啊!赶紧用期货开多单锁定低价于交割库!加倍收储。资金正在空翻多。连续涨停去库存最快;对期货,先买入平仓者胜!先买入开仓者也胜!物极必反。
The air +$world commodity fly to the biggest positive inflation + + RMB issuance is 4.8 dollars additional. Central bank water 7 trillion, devaluation of RMB 2%! Buy a house is king + continuous limit + buy. Rocket + column Qingtian + buy heavily. When the influx of a large amount of money can be limited to a few minutes. Sustained high speed, high rise every day. Daily breakthrough! Its continuous limit probability of great. Good! Quickly open the futures with more than a single lock in the delivery of low-cost! Double storage. Funds are more than somersault. Continuous limit to the fastest inventory; on the futures, the first to buy the winner! First bid opening wins! Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme。
风口飞+$ 全世界大宗商品都要暴涨+最大的利好+人民币增发是美元增发的4.8倍。央行“放水”7万亿,人民币贬值2%!买房才是王道+连续涨停+大量买进。火箭发射+柱柱擎天+巨资买入。巨资持续涌入时几分钟就能涨停。持续高涨速,天天高涨幅。涨停突破!其连续涨停概率极大;走向供不应求。好啊!赶紧用期货开多单锁定低价于交割库!加倍收储。资金正在空翻多。连续涨停去库存最快;对期货,先买入平仓者胜!先买入开仓者也胜!物极必反。
The air +$world commodity fly to the biggest positive inflation + + RMB issuance is 4.8 dollars additional. Central bank water 7 trillion, devaluation of RMB 2%! Buy a house is king + continuous limit + buy. Rocket + column Qingtian + buy heavily. When the influx of a large amount of money can be limited to a few minutes. Sustained high speed, high rise every day. Daily breakthrough! Its continuous limit probability of great. Good! Quickly open the futures with more than a single lock in the delivery of low-cost! Double storage. Funds are more than somersault. Continuous limit to the fastest inventory; on the futures, the first to buy the winner! First bid opening wins! Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme。
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