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发表于 2013-05-03 19:10:48 股吧网页版
Mr. Buffett suggested abandon debt stocks! Bond fu
Mr. Buffett suggested abandon debt stocks! Bond funds into the market, only or super trillions of China? Buy open period refers to the first, after waiting for buying stocks, stock prices also rose sharply, making 2 times money. Effect is very significant to make money...
Ship supporting policies will be introduced. Money poured in a few minutes to harden. High speed, high rise every day; Not a buyer step empty! Sell short squeeze! Firm the confidence, continued to bottom. Good approaching, for large purchases. Attack on accelerating, step dummy empty! Now retail is cutting the future profits!
300 yuan: 2007 on October 11, 11 p.m, China welcomed "peak" of the ship. Chinese shares also has earned its reputation as the "hard currency" of the ship. The high price 300 yuan, also like in the a-share market to the top of mount Everest, noone ever overcome.
China central television (CCTV) - 4 said ship orders increase... The carrier concept; The Chinese shares harden (600072). Drive the Chinese shipping (600150) among power attack on second round. Collective soaring ship plate. Tomorrow is the sun thread. The 401 k plan follow the United States, billions of pension is expected to be in the market. Short liquidated stronghold in crisis or in the sun... Short from "mighty arm" to "down"! Good! Money is our country more...
CCTV-4 说船舶订单急增……航母概念;中船股份(600072)涨停。带动中国船舶(600150)等个股发力二轮上攻。船舶板块集体飙升。明天又是一根大阳线。我国效仿美国401k计划,千亿养老金有望入市。空头大本营陷入危机平仓或再有大阳…… 空头从“壮士断臂”到“腰斩”!好啊!资金正在空翻多 ……
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