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发表于 2016-12-09 21:47:39 股吧网页版
崩盘+又是一波跌停潮。因商品堆积如山 + 电动车料消灭800万桶原油需求
崩盘+又是一波跌停潮。因商品堆积如山 +$ 电动车料消灭800万桶原油需求,减产杯水车薪。A股118家公司扎堆电动车,动力电池行业将现井喷式增长,电动车将逐渐取代燃油车。
河钢股份(000709)第三季度净利大增。河钢股份第三季度实现归属于上市公司股东的净利润5.243亿元,同比大增248.35%,巨量买单+000709 连续涨停突破。两只做期货大赚的钢铁股:002075+000709 连续涨停突破。期货3倍差异化手续费收费方式致“腰斩”须注意。北京周边土地非常值钱+股期巨资都争买000709(河钢股份):连续涨停?自低位算002075已近翻番。反手做多钢材。
Is the wave tide limit + collapse. As the goods +$electric material pile up like a mountain hand 8 million barrels of crude oil production needs to destroy an utterly inadequate measure. A shares 118 companies get together electric vehicles, power battery industry will be a blowout growth, the electric car will gradually replace the fuel car.
River Steel shares (000709) in the third quarter net profit surge. River Steel shares in the third quarter attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit of 524 million 300 thousand yuan, an increase of 248.35%, massive pay +000709 continuous limit break. Two do futures to earn the steel stocks: 002075+000709 continuous limit breakthrough. Futures 3 times the difference charges caused by alienation fee "cut" must pay attention to. Beijing surrounding land is worth a lot of money to buy 000709 shares of the period (River Steel shares): continuous limit? Since the low count 002075 has nearly doubled. Backhand long steel.
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