Celgene 洽购juno,Juno盘后大涨超过42%[赞] Celgene
2018-01-17 08:37:51
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Celgene 洽购juno,Juno盘后大涨超过42%[赞]
Celgene in talks to buy Juno Therapeutics: WSJ
Reuters Staff
(Reuters) - Celgene Corp (CELG.O) is in talks to buy Juno Therapeutics Inc (JUNO.O), which is working on an experimental gene therapy drug to treat cancer, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing sources familiar with the matter. (on.wsj.com/2EMlysO)
Shares of Juno, which has a market value of $5.57 billion, were up 42 percent at $64.59 in extended trading.
Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy, or CAR T, harnesses the ’s own immune cells to recognize and attack malignant cells. Novartis (NOVN.S) received the first U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for a CAR T drug last year.
Juno does not yet have any FDA approvals for its CAR T drugs, but it released promising data from early trials for a blood cancer treatment in November.
It has had previous setbacks in developing the treatments, and shut down development of one leukemia treatment due to severe neurotoxicity that led to five patient deaths.
Still, CAR T treatments are expected to be blockbusters for drugmakers, costing up to $500,000 and generating billions of dollars in sales.
Celgene Corp
Gilead Sciences Inc (GILD.O) bought Juno rival Kite Pharma Inc for nearly $12 billion late last year.
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