$金斯瑞生物科技(01548)$ $腾讯控股(00700)$ $恒瑞医药(S
2017-12-14 09:04:38
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Legend Biotech Corporation is an R&D based biotech company dedicated to immunotherapy, specifically CAR-T cell therapy. Our goal is to explore and deliver safe, effective and precision immunotherapies to desperate cancer patients. We swear to use all our intelligence and efforts to help people beat cancer. We explore every potential to improve the quality of life and survival of cancer patients, relieving them from suffering agony and desperation.
Novel comprehensive cell based immunotherapy platform
CAR-T technology progresses slowly on treatment patients with solid tumors. To benefit more patients, we are developing novel comprehensive cell based immunotherapy. We constructed super-vectors to enable the engineered T cells to be more efficient on solid tumors by promoting T cells with better maintenance of memory phenotype. It also authorizes T cells to express immune checkpoint inhibitors, and enhancing the capabilities of T cell homing to the tumor sites.
Anti developing platform
To facilitate CAR development, we have strong expertise and have established several novel anti developing platforms, including hybridoma generation, physical and bio-functional screening, and anti sequencing technologies et al. The anti developing platforms continually support our fast and innovative CAR technology development and translation.
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