The world gold shares will start trading boom:
2014-08-17 14:21:10
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The world gold shares will start trading boom: Soros Poulsen is still bullish on gold. Global central bank rob gold, she also crazy!
Bloomberg survey: gold traders call next week for third consecutive weeks of gold.
CFTC:8 month 12 day week hedge fund substantially increase net long.
Spot gold recorded "金叉" trend, or re entered the medium-term upward path.
Stock index futures is to have one space or wear warehouse? Do not leave an empty one? Mr Buffett's proposal to "abandon debt for shares"! Bond funds into the stock market, only the Chinese scale or ultra trillions? Tomorrow is a big land. Funds are in short supply, 600489, first you buy the more money! The gold in gold trading in a row at the bottom? The history of the highest price of 159.60 yuan. Good ah! Spot a strong rise in future air force "heroes brokeback". Continuous daily limit destocking fastest; the gold futures, the first closing purchase wins! First bid opening wins! Heavily in the continued influx of gold rush, super platinum, palladium. The central bank lowered the county rural commercial bank deposit reserve ratio by 2 percentage points. Rarity: Beck emphad that hough gold is gold, but this shows that the Fed's problem. "Your first guess is no gold, no gold in the Fed's vault. Or only a few gold." The nature of the debt crisis is the flood of paper money, assets still must hold gold (never depreciation, does not disappear). India, Russia and other countries to buy gold strength will be greatly enhanced! The dollar will depreciate substantially after the marginalization! Multinational central bank holdings of gold, into a global super gold buyers, China's gold reserve ratio of foreign exchange reserves accounted for only 1.1%...... $
The gold resources market is now the best place to go. Those who are willing to these markets into their portfolio, even if only a basic understanding of resources, most likely large fortunes. If you do not want to earn in the next few years, irresistible money, then...... Go to, to seize these opportunities and realize a you used to want to have never thought a great success! #$#
Zhongjin gold (600489): opened trading, trading in a row? Heavily in the continued influx of a few minutes of trading. Sustained high speed, high rise every day; not buyers takong! Sell the squeeze! Accelerate the upside, Ta squeeze! Flesh is now the future of retail sector profits! Low to sell 600489 is as well, I do not know the sea vast! Sad ah!
股指期货空单是如何爆仓或穿仓的?不留一张空单?巴菲特先生建议“弃债投股”!债市资金入股市,仅中国规模或超几十万亿?明天又是一根大阳线。资金正在空翻多,600489供不应求,先买多赚钱!中金黄金将底部连续涨停?历史最高价159.60 元。好啊!现货强势上涨,期货空军“壮士断臂”。连续涨停去库存最快;对黄金期货,先买入平仓者胜!先买入开仓者也胜!巨资持续涌入黄金,超铂金,赶钯金。央行下调县域农商行存款准备金率2个百分点。物以稀为贵:Beck强调说虽然黄金就是黄金,但这说明了美联储的问题。“你的第一个猜测就是根本就没有黄金了,没有黄金在美联储的金库里。或者只有很少的黄金。”债务危机本质是纸币泛滥,资产保值仍须持有黄金(永远不折旧、不消失)。印度、俄罗斯等国购买黄金的力量将大幅增强!美元被边缘化后将大幅贬值!多国央行增持黄金,成全球黄金超级买家,中国黄金储备占外汇储备比例仅1.1% …… $
黄金资源市场就是现在最好的去处。那些愿意将这些市场纳入自己投资组合的人,即使对资源只有基本的了解,也很有可能大发其财。如果你们不想要那些在今后几年里能够赚到的、令人无法抗拒的金钱,那么…… 去吧,抓住这些机遇,实现一个你们以前想都没想过的巨大成功!#$#
中金黄金(600489) :涨停开盘,连续涨停?巨资持续涌入时几分钟就能涨停。持续高涨速,天天高涨幅;未买者踏空!卖出者轧空!加速上攻,踏空轧空!现在散户的割肉是未来机构的利润!低位卖掉600489者犹如井底之蛙,不知东海之广大!悲哀呀!
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