玉米几乎全部流拍,那就降价抛储 ……
2014-10-13 13:19:38
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玉米几乎全部流拍,那就降价抛储 ……
中国无库房存放今年正收获的新玉米。建议购买方备好空库,等待玉米涌入市场排队抛售深跌后逢低买入使用!玉米现货巨量供应,市场供大于求,价格大幅下跌;加上多头获利平仓盘及套期保值盘涌出,甚至还有多翻空者;易使再做多者爆仓或穿仓! 血本无归。
Corn almost all Liupai, then the price of throwing storage......
Corn continuous limit, more or throwing storage more serious, vicious spiral. The new corn harvest. China and the United States wheat price difference of about 1200 yuan / ton. Maize, China and the United States the difference between the price is about 1250 yuan / ton.
National Day commodity futures limit in a row, more institutions facing "critical" or wear warehouse. Futures Company in panic! Goods cold and windy: long investors lose 10000000000, Futures Company loss 20000000.
Soybean meal will open continuous limit trip. Sell open first wins! First sell open also wins!
China no new maize storages for this year is the harvest. Proposed purchaser to prepare an empty library, waiting for the corn into the market sell-off in line using the bargain buying after deep down! Corn spot huge supply, the market oversupply, prices fell sharply; plus profit long s and hedging disk gush, and even wheeling; easy to do warehouse explosion or wear s out.
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