Goldman is expected in 2016 the basic ls market weakness, strong bearish copper
2016-10-28 22:05:40
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Goldman is expected in 2016 the basic ls market weakness, strong bearish copper and aluminum. Shanghai aluminum production concerns, back pressure rise. Shanghai aluminum bucked down, down by the cost may suppress. Shanghai aluminum pressure continued to fall, the downward trend is obvious.. Reproduction limit the influx of goods. Set a good stop, struggling to do more, or to make money? Futures 3 times the difference charges caused by alienation fee "cut" must pay attention to.
待明早上班后各机构、企业集团抛售即断崖式跌停。 巨量卖单,供过于求,连续跌停。次贷与欧债危机情景重现!商品或全部跌停。东北特钢四面楚歌:47.7亿债券连环违约。新华社:中国经济下行压力依然较大。财政部:上半年国企利润同比降8.5% ;1-6月,钢铁和有色等行业亏损。央行连续三日净回笼资金超2000亿。
Is there any zinc? Yes; there are. After the daily limit is the limit, continuous limit. Goldman is expected in 2016 the basic ls market weakness, strong bearish copper and aluminum. Shanghai aluminum production concerns, back pressure rise. Shanghai aluminum bucked down, down by the cost may suppress. Shanghai aluminum pressure continued to fall, the downward trend is obvious.. Reproduction limit the influx of goods. Set a good stop, struggling to do more, or to make money? Futures 3 times the difference charges caused by alienation fee "cut" must pay attention to.
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