2016-02-23 20:35:01
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涨停突破!沥青等全线暴涨;其连续涨停概率极大;走向供不应求。巨资持续涌入时几分钟就能涨停。持续高涨速!好啊!赶紧用期货开多单锁定低价于交割库!全世界大宗商品都要暴涨;加倍收储。资金正在空翻多。中国将大力支持革命老区开发建设:修公路先行。大力推进老区高等级公路建设,优先布局一批铁路项目并设立站点等。国家发改委批复5个公路项目。再建一批中心城市 + 一带一路。连续涨停去库存最快;对期货,先买入平仓者胜!先买入开仓者也胜!物极必反,涨停开盘?连续涨停?火箭发射,牛气冲天。+$
Limit breakthrough! Asph and other across the board surge in its continuous limit the probability of great; to demand. A few minutes will be able to limit the influx of huge sums of money. Sustained high speed! Good Quickly open more than one single lock in the delivery of more than one single lock! The world commodity boom to double storage. Funds are. China will vigorously support the development of old revolutionary base areas highway construction: first. Vigorously promote the construction of high grade highway area, a number of railway projects and the establishment of the site layout priority etc.. National Development and Reform Commission approved the 5 highway projects. To build a number of center city + Belt and Road Initiative. Continuous daily limit to the fastest in the stock market, the first to buy open! First bid opening wins! However, trading opened? Continuous limit? Rocket, bullish. + $$
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