2019-04-15 17:37:14
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Although it was probably not in serious jeopardy, Bristol-Myers Squibb’s shareholders voted today to approve the acquisition of Celgene for about $74 billion.


Bristol-Myers Squibb announced its bid to acquire Celgene on January 3, 2019. However, the deal hit a snag. One of its biggest shareholders, Wellington Management Company LLP, objected to the acquisition. Wellington owns about an 8 percent stake in Bristol-Myers. 


Another BMS shareholder, Starboard Value, also opposed the deal. Starboard has about a 1-percent ownership share. Starboard, in an open letter, called it “poorly conceived and ill-advised.” Another group, Dodge & Cox, who opposed the deal, has a 2-percent stake.

百时美施贵宝的另一位股东Starboard Value 也反对这笔交易。Starboard 拥有约1%的股权。Starboard 在一封公开信中称其“构思不佳,建议不充分”。另一个反对该交易的组织道奇和考克斯持有2%的股份。

What followed was something of an information campaign on the part of Bristol-Myers Squibb and Celgene, making investors and shareholders aware of the rationale behind the deal and the advantages of the merged companies. They included:


Growing a stronger commercial presence in the company’s key disease franchises led by “high performing commercial teams.”

Launching “exciting new medicines,” including six in the near future.

“Advance a significantly enhanced early-stage pipeline; and”

Integrate a range of research-and-discovery modalities that will “further strengthen our pipeline.”





Bristol-Myers also pointed out that it expects to have $45 billion in expected free cash flow generation during the three years after the deal closes. It plans to maintain strong investment grade credit ratings while continuing with its current dividend policy for both Bristol-Myers Squibb and Celgene shareholders. It also assured investors the company will have “significant financial flexibility” to take advantage and exploit its enhanced late- and early-stage pipeline.



The deal is expected to close in the third quarter of this year.


Likely the biggest challenge for the merged companies is the patent cliff for Celgene’s blockbuster Revlimid for multiple myeloma. The first generic is expected in March 2022. But Celgene has an interesting pipeline, with three drugs, fedratinib, ozanimod, and luspatercept, already submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

对于合并后的公司来说,最大的挑战可能是新基重磅炸弹 Revlimd 用于多发性骨髓瘤的专利悬崖。第一个仿制药预计将于2022年3月上市。但是新基有一个有趣的管道,有三种药物,fedratinib,ozanimod和lussercept,已经提交给FDA 。

If everything goes according to plan, fedratinib will be approved for myelofibrosis in September, and ozanimod will be approved for multiple sclerosis and luspatercept for myelodysplastic syndrome and beta thalassemia in early 2020. The company also has two CAR-T immuno-oncology compounds, bb2121 and liso-cel in late-stage trials.

如果一切都按计划进行, fedratinib 将于9月被批准用于骨髓纤维化, ozanimod 将于2020年初被批准用于多发性硬化症和骨髓增生异常综合征和地中海贫血。该公司还拥有两个 CAR-T 免疫肿瘤化合物, bb2121和 liso-cel 处于后期试验阶段。

(来源:汇众医疗的财富号 2019-04-15 17:37) [点击查看原文]

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