Iron ore futures futures market hunters. The United States to
2017-05-29 13:55:41
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Iron ore futures futures market hunters. The United States to produce their own, the need to use a huge amount of iron ore and coke, etc. + from public-private partnerships to tax credits: how the United States trillion dollar infrastructure plan landing?
A major importer of iron ore from the world to Japan, Western Europe Chinese. Japan's imports will be roughly the same as last year's, while China's consumer demand is advancing by leaps and bounds. It will be around 10 tons. China has become the world's largest consumer of iron ore, importing more than 60% of the world's iron ore. Iron ore Futures: replenishment market will start. Based on the strong demand for iron ore consumption, iron ore prices are expected to be $more than 70 per ton. Comments received: iron ore futures soared 7%; Masukura 190 thousand hand 1 billion 800 million net inflow of funds. China's appetite for raw materials is still great. In recent years, the rapid development of China's iron and steel industry, the demand for iron ore has increased substantially. According to statistics, at present, China is the world's largest iron ore consumer countries, importers, in 2012, China's iron ore consumption of about 10.5 tons, imports of more than 7.4 tons. The collapse of the annual iron ore pricing system of trade negotiations, follow the market pricing, price fluctuation is frequent and violent, strong corporate hedging demand. 2010 to date, the price of 600 yuan / ton, -1400 yuan / ton fluctuations, the maximum amplitude of more than 700 yuan / ton, the largest increase over 70% during the year, the impact of iron ore prices: 1. cost factors; 2. policy factors; 3. Change of output; 4. international trade price changes; 5. downstream demand; 6. ernative prices; 7. product inventories; 8. macroeconomic situation; or open the continuous limit: Tongling nonferrous ls (000630) + Guangzhou development (600098) + xiongan new construction or a big Chinese + the State Council executive meeting decided that the next 3 years during the transformation district 15 million sets. Commodities all over the world are going to go up, plus the biggest plus RMB, 4.8 times that of the US dollar. Central bank discharge 7 trillion, devaluation of 2%! Buying a house is king. When a large amount of money continues to flow, it can be traded in a few minutes. Limit breakthrough! The probability of its continuous limit is great; it is in short supply. Good! Quickly use futures to open more than one lock, low delivery in the library! Double purchasing and storage. Money is being turned over. "The Belt and Road" construction as the main focus of the work. The strongest anti-cancer food: beans and soy products: beans, soybeans and other anti-cancer drugs can contain nucleic acids. Among them, soybean meal rose to 4000 yuan. 16 thousand tons of grain have been forgotten for 7 years, pigs can not eat! Grain: do not blame me for this.
全球鉄矿石的主要进口国由日本、西欧转为中国。日本的进口量将大致维持去年的水平,而中国大陆的消费需求则是突飞猛进。将在10亿吨左右。中国已经成为全球最大的铁矿石消费国,进口全球60%多的铁矿石。铁矿石期货:补库行情将启动。基于实际需求旺盛,铁矿石消费回升,预计铁矿石价格每吨70多美元。收评:铁矿石期货飙涨7% ;增仓19万手净流入18亿资金。中国对原材料的“胃口”仍很大。近几年,我国钢铁行业高速发展,对铁矿石的需求大幅度增加。据统计,目前我国是世界最大的铁矿石消费国、进口国,2012年,我国铁矿石消费量约10.5亿吨,进口量为7.4亿多吨。铁矿石年度谈判定价体制瓦解,贸易定价随行就市,价格波动频繁剧烈,企业避险需求强烈。2010年至今,价格在600元/吨-1400元/吨波动,最大波幅超过700元/吨,年内最大涨幅超过70%,影响铁矿石价格的因素:1. 成本因素;2. 政策因素;3。产量变化;4. 国际贸易价格;5. 下游需求变化;6. 替代产品价格;7. 产品库存变化;8. 宏观经济形势;或开启连续涨停:铜陵有色(000630)+广州发展(600098)+雄安新区建设或用巨量+中国国务院常务会议决定未来3年改造棚户区1500万套。全世界大宗商品都要暴涨+最大的利好+人民币增发是美元增发的4.8倍。央行放水7万亿,人民币贬值2%!买房才是王道。巨资持续涌入时几分钟就能涨停。涨停突破!其连续涨停概率极大;走向供不应求。好啊!赶紧用期货开多单锁定低价于交割库!加倍收储。资金正在空翻多。“一带一路”建设作为主要工作重点。最强防癌抗癌食物:豆类及豆制品:在豆类中,大豆等含有可以防癌抗癌的核酸。其中豆粕曾涨到4000元之上。1.6万吨粮食被忘7年,猪都不能吃!中储粮:这事不怪我
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