2017-05-26 13:03:55
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Next Wednesday or open for trading: Shandong iron and steel (600022), Anyang iron and steel (600569) + (000630 +) of Tongling nonferrous Guangzhou development (600098) + xiongan new construction or a big Chinese + executive meeting of the State Council decided that in the next 3 years shantytowns 15 million units.
Commodities all over the world are going to go up, plus the biggest plus RMB, 4.8 times that of the US dollar. Central bank discharge 7 trillion, devaluation of 2%! Buy a house is king + continuous limit. When a large amount of money continues to flow, it can be traded in a few minutes. Limit breakthrough! The probability of its continuous limit is great; it is in short supply. Good! Quickly use futures to open more than one lock, low delivery in the library! Double purchasing and storage. Money is being turned over. "The Belt and Road" construction as the main focus of the work. Iron ore futures futures market hunters; because the iron ore falling tariffs etc.. The United States needs its own production, a huge amount of iron ore and coke, and so on, from public-private partnerships to tax credits: how is the US $1 trillion infrastructure plan going to the ground?.
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