It is said that the Alibaba Group is now
2018-04-22 00:54:15
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It is said that the Alibaba Group is now planning to consolidate its business empire by making acquisitions of some huge offline supermarkets that are struggling to reach break even point,which is considered a further movement of tapping into offline retail marketplace after invested 4.3 billion CNY in YongHui spuerstores,a listed company in China’s A-share market.It is obvious that the integration of online business and offline market is going to play a vital role in commercial competition in the near future.
“We can’t just ignore the traditional consumptive habit because people are inclined to hanging out with their friends after work or at weekends,even the online transaction is being widely accepted nowadays.You can see people using digital payment almost everywhere at offline shops and we have every reason to believe that there will be a stably continuous increase of the digital users who are going to pay for what they buy with smart devices.
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