2019-10-15 18:02:33
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Acquisition of ConocoPhillips’ northern Australia interests
Key Highlights
Acquisition of ConocoPhillips’ northern Australia business with operating interests in
Darwin LNG, Bayu-Undan, Barossa and Poseidon for US$1.39 billion plus a
$75 million contingent payment subject to FID on Barossa
Value accretive acquisition of operating interests in long-life, low cost natural gas assets
and strategic LNG infrastructure consistent with Santos' core asset growth strategy
Fully funded from existing cash resources and new committed debt
Materially accretive: ~16% expected earnings per share accretion and ~19% EBITDAX
accretion in 20201
Increases pro-forma production by ~25%, pro-forma 2P reserves by ~5% and pro-forma
2C contingent resources by ~27%2
Reduces forecast 2020 free cash flow breakeven oil price by ~US$4 per barrel
Targeting pre-tax synergies of US$50-75 million per annum (excluding integration and
other one-off costs) driven by Santos operatorship and efficiencies
Acquisition delivers operatorship and control of strategic LNG infrastructure with growth
Acquisition advances and supports Santos’ goal of taking Barossa FID by early 2020.
Santos is prepared to sell down equity in Barossa and Darwin LNG to a target ownership
of 40-50% to achieve increased partner alignment
Barossa partner SK E&S is highly supportive and has signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a
25% interest in Bayu-Undan and Darwin LNG
Santos is also in discussions with existing Darwin LNG joint-venture partners for equity in
Barossa and in advanced discussions with LNG buyers for Barossa offtake volumes,
including with an existing partner in Darwin LNG



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