2018-05-22 21:23:06
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海航看中英迈的是规模和全球影响力,没有英迈,他还在全球173名吗?甚至倒退到250名以后,英迈的ABC,英迈物流,英迈世界买买买、卖卖卖,英迈与当当的深度融合的威力!英迈CEO Alain Monie,接受采访说的
I can tell you, there has never been any moment where we have had any discussion about selling Ingram. You never know. One day that could happen. But at this stage, you can see the assets that the HNA Group is selling are non-core in real estate and other areas. I think that we represent the technology interest that they have. We represent a size and a global presence that they're very interested in. And we have a framework within which we operate that is very independent from HNA. We have what we call our 'ring fencing' that really allows us to continue our development without having to look at all of these political [issues]. We feel very safe where we are today.
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