2017-12-11 11:01:14
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December 04, 2017
Company News

Reference: APN034

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Nijmegen, The Netherlands, December 4, 2017 – Ampleon today said that it wished to clarify the current situation brought about by the recent announcement of a major shareholder. A transfer of shares to a new shareholder, Aurora Optoelectronics Co. Ltd., is currently going through the usual financial formalities and, subject to approval, is expected to be finalized in the middle of 2018. Jianguang Asset Management Co. Ltd (JAC) is currently managing the shareholders and will continue to do so.

During this period Ampleon is keen to highlight that it is “business as usual” and that it does not anticipate any changes to its current operations and strategy. The management team views this as a positive step forward for the company, with the intended change of shareholder helping to accelerate the rate of planned investments in R&D, such as for 5G and technology roadmaps, and also opening up the possibility for Ampleon to attract further funds.

Reinier Beltman, CEO, Ampleon comments, “This intended change in our shareholder structure will be beneficial for the ambition of Ampleon to be a leading partner in RF Power. We expect full continuity of our operations and business strategy moving forward.”
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