The National Silicon Industry Group (NSI
2019-03-18 20:21:19
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The National Silicon Industry Group (NSIG) provides annual update
NSIG, the officially sanctioned materials group in China, is providing an annual update regarding its growth. NSIG is the largest shareholder of Okmetic, Simgui, and Zing Semiconductor, and this update is broken into sections for each company.
NSIG是注册于中国的材料集团,现发布最新的年度公司发展信息。 NSIG是下属Okmetic、新傲和新昇半导体公司的最大股东,以下按公司分述其年度信息。
Okmetic Inc.
In 2017, Okmetic grew with the market to increase results to record revenues and profits, while continuing to focus on specialty products based on it’s technical advantages. Okmetic also announced that it was doubling it’s size over the next three years with the support of NSIG to continue to address the expanded demands of it’s loyal customers. This includes the expansion of capacity to service the High Resistivity market and a new building dedicated to C-SOI.
2017年,Okmetic与市场同步发展,收入和利润均有所增长,同时继续重点发展基于其技术优势的特色产品。 Okmetic还宣布,在NSIG的支持下,未来三年内它的规模将扩大一倍,以继续满足战略客户日益扩大的需求,其中包括提高产能服务高阻硅片市场以及建设专门用于C-SOI材料生产的全新厂房这两项举措。
Simgui Inc.
Simgui is focused on SOI and Epi solutions for the semiconductor market. In 2017, Simgui expanded it’s Epi business, and increased it’s SOI output dramatically in concert with the needs of the market. Simgui is executing on continued expansion plans for the RF-SOI market for 2018, and has developed longer term plans to address the FD-SOI market as appropriate.
新傲专注于半导体市场的SOI和Epi解决方案。 2017年新傲的Epi业务得到了长足发展,并且根据市场需求大幅度提高了SOI产量。 2018年新傲正在执行RF-SOI业务的持续扩张计划,并制定了长期规划适时进入FD-SOI市场。
Zing Semiconductor Inc.
Zing Semiconductor is focused on 300mm manufacturing in the NSIG family. Zing installed equipment and was qualified to provide Test wafers to a variety of customers in 2017. Zing also provided prime wafer qualification samples during that period, and is in the process of ramping output for these wafers while increasing qualification activities at a number of customers. In addition to producing tens of thousands of wafers per month over the last six months, Zing is finishing the installation of the first phase of 100k wafers/month of capacity which is on track to be consumed this year, and will be starting the receipt and installation of the next phase of 200k wafers/month of capacity in the second half of this year, which is anticipated to be consumed during the course of 2019. Zing has also been confirmed to be the sole Nationally Sponsored Company for next generation process development, which will allow it to spend over 1B RMB on these activities. This will be important as Zing ramps capacity towards the target of 1M wafers/month over the next several years.
新昇半导体专注于300mm硅片的制造。 2017年新昇开始试生产,向各类客户提供测试片。在此期间新昇还提供了正片认证样品,在许多客户进行产品认证,并不断提高其硅片产量。新昇过去六个月每月产出数万片,目前正在进行第一阶段每月10万硅片产能的建设,预计今年内将完成,并将在今年下半年开始下一阶段每月20万硅片产能的建设,预计将在2019年完成。新昇是目前唯一获得国家重大项目支持的硅片公司,将投资超过10亿元用于下一代硅片的开发。这对于新昇在未来几年内将月产能提升至1百万片意义重大。
Mr. Nabeel Gareeb, from the NSIG CEO office, stated – “It is good to see the progress across all fronts of the NSIG family in a short period of time. We were happy to realize NSIG’s first consolidated breakeven quarter late in 2017 in spite of the heavy investments in Zing. We look forward to continued progress across the entire family in 2018, and are targeting to increase NSIG group consolidated revenue by at least 30% while significantly improving our profitability during the same period to enable self-funding of NSIG over the longer term. Without the hard work of all our employees, and the support of our customers, shareholders, and suppliers, this accelerated progress would not be possible”.
NSIG总裁办的Nabeel Gareeb先生表示:“很高兴看到NSIG大家庭的所有成员能够在如此短的时间内获得巨大进展。尽管新昇投资很大,然而在2017年末集团合并报表依然实现了首次盈亏平衡。 我们期待着2018年整个大家庭的持续发展,目标是使NSIG集团的总收入至少增加30%,同时极大提升盈利能力,最终实现NSIG长期的完全财务自主。没有所有员工的辛勤工作以及我们客户、股东和供应商的支持,这种飞速发展是不可能的。”
Stated Dr. Xi Wang, Chairman of NSIG – “We are very pleased to see the level of accomplishments at NSIG as a result of Mr. Gareeb’s leadership and the support of our shareholders, who have recently re-affirmed their commitment to invest 5B RMB into NSIG in 2018, and twice that amount over the next 2-3 years. We look forward to establishing our presence clearly on the world stage as a solutions provider for our customers across the broad array of technologies that are demanded by device applications”.
NSIG董事长王曦博士表示:“我们非常高兴地看到,NSIG在Gareeb先生的领导和全体股东的支持下取得了很好的成就。股东们最近重申了他们 2018年将投资NSIG 50亿人民币的承诺,未来两到三年投资额还要翻倍。我们期待着NSIG立足国际半导体材料市场,为我们客户在器件应用方面的各种技术需求提供材料解决方案。”
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