2019-10-14 15:42:02
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Short title:WaZhou B Code:200706 No.: 2019-29

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Estimated performance for the first third quarter of 2019

Ourcompany, the whole membersof theboard of directorsand top managements ensured thetruth, accuracy,

completeness,no false record, misleading st ate ment and fatal omit of the announcement.

I. The estimated performance for the current period

1.Performance period:January 1,2019 to September 30,2019.

2. Estimated performance: ■Losses □turn losses into gains

□ increase compared with last period □decline compared with last period

Items Currentper iod Thesame period of last Q3 Q3of 2016


Netprofitowned to the Losses about Losses about

shareholders oflisting 10.84 million 5,378,492.02 18.61 million 2,064,511.90

company (Yuan)

Basic gains onper share

(Yuan) about -0.027 0.013 about -0.046 0.005

II.The audited situation

The estimated performance for the current period is unaudited

III.Statement for performance change

The performance change because of the business profit in report period decrease about 229.43 million

Yuan, business gross profit decrease about 28.72 million Yuan. The business profit in Q3 decrease about

112.10 million Yuan, businessgross profit decrease about 25.29 million Yuan.

IV. Other relative statement

1.The estimated performance is the preliminary data, the de tail s will be disclosed in the first third

quarter reportof 2019. The specified media for it is Securities Times,Hong Kong Commercial Newspaper and

the website is http://www.cninfo.com.cn.The company's information will be disclosed in line with relative laws

and regulat……


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