2019-09-06 16:50:32
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Stock name: Wazhou B Code: 200706 No.: 2019-29

Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Announcement of Resolution of the 1th meeting of 8th Board of Supervisors

Our company, the whole members of the board of directors and top managements ensured the truth,

accuracy, completeness, no falserecord, misleading statement and fatal omit of theannouncement.

I.The convened statement of Board of Supervisors

1.When and how the notice is sent out

Meeting notice of the 1th meeting of 8th Board of Supervisors of Wafangdian Bearing Company

limited has been sent by fax onAugust 30, 2019.

2.The time place and the way of holding the Board of Supervisors.

The 1th meeting of 8th Board of Supervisors of Wafangdian Bearing Company limited was held at 309

meeting room at 16:00 September 6, 2019.

3.The members that should attend and actually present.

5 members should attend the meeting and actually 5 members werepresent.

4.The compere and the present memberof the Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors is presided by Sun Shicheng, the GM and General accountant attend the


5.Holding of meeting conforms to regulations of “Corporate Law” as well as “Article ofAssociation”.

II.The deliberation of the Board of Supervisors

1. The proposal of electing theChairman fo the 8th board of supervisors

Approvalresult: 5 approving vote, 0 rejecting vote and 0 abstaining vote;

Electing Mr.Sun Shicheng as theChairman fo the 8th board of supervisors

III.The documents for future reference

1.The Resolution of the 1th meeting of 8th Board of Supervisors

Board of Supervisors of

Wafangdian bearing company limited



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