2019-08-19 17:11:35
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Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited

Notice of the First Interim Shareholders' General Meeting of 2019

The Company, all the members of the Board of Directors, supervisors and top management hereby guarantee

the truth, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosure, no any false records, misleading statements

and major missing contents.

At the 10th meeting of the 7th board of directors of Wafangdian Bearing Co., LTD., it was decided to hold the

first interim shareholders' general meeting of 2019 on September 6, 2019. The relevant matters of this meeting

are hereby notified as follows:

I. Basic situation:

1. Period of board session: the first interim shareholders' general meeting of 2019

2. Convener: Board of Director of the Company

3. The meeting is in line with relevant laws and administrative regulations, department rules, normative

documents and article of association.

4. Conference date:

(1) On-site meeting time: 14:30 on 6 September,2019

(2) Network voting time: specific date for polling through trading system on Shenzhen Stock Exchange will at

9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. on 6 September,2019; specific date for polling through internet

voting system on Shenzhen Stock Exchange will be any time from 3:00 p.m.on 5 September,2019 to 3:00 p.m.

on 6 September,2019

5. Conference way: On-site votes plus network polling

(1) On-site voting: shareholder attends the Meeting in person or entrust others attend the Meeting through

Letter ofAuthorization.

(2) Network polling: The Company will provide a voting as an internet formto whole shareholders through the

trading system and internet poll system (http://wltp.cninfo.com.cn) of SZSE. Shareholders should participate in

voting any time in the network polling during the above mentioned time period.

According to the regulation of Article of Association, the shareholders of the Company, whose names registered

on date of ……


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