2019-10-13 17:42:14
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Stock Code: 000553 (200553) Stock abbreviation: ADAMA A(B)

Announcement No. 2019-48


Q1-Q3 2019 Performance Estimation

The Company and all the directors confirm that the information disclosed is true, accurate,

complete and with no false recording, misleading statement or material omission.

I. Performance Estimation

1. Estimation period: First nine months and third quarter of 2019

2. Estimated performance: lower compared with the first nine months of last year

Item Current reporting period Same period last year

Januaryto September 2019 Januaryto September 2018

as previouslyreported

Net income attributable to the 741 – 797

shareholders of the listed 2,542

company Percentage decrease YoY

(RMB in millions) 68.7% – 70.9%

Basic earnings per share 0.3030 – 0.3259 1.0392


Item Current reporting period Same period last year

Julyto September 2019 Julyto September 2018

as previouslyreported

Net income attributable to the 153 – 209

shareholders of the listed 180

company Percentage change YoY

(RMB in millions) -15.0% – +16.1%

Basic earnings per share 0.0624 – 0.0853 0.0734


II. Pre-audit of the estimated performance

The estimated results of this period are the preliminary estimation of the Company and have not

been audited nor reviewed by certified accountants.

III. Explanations for Performance Variation



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