2019-08-21 18:51:38
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Stock Code: 000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) Announcement No.2019-42

Announcement on the Change of Accounting Policy

The Companyand all members of its board ofdirectors confirm that all information

disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete with no false or misleading

statement or material omission.

The 16th meeting of the 8th session of Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “Company”) approved the proposal on the change in the accounting
policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Change”). The proposal is not subject to the
approval of the shareholders. The details of the Change are as follows.

1. Overview of the Proposed Change

In preparation of the 2019 half-year financial report, the Company began to adopt the
Notice on Revising the Format of 2018 Financial Statements for General Enterprises
promulgated by Ministry of Finance on April 30, 2019 (CaiKuai [2019] No.6,
hereinafter “CaiKuai No.6 ”). CaiKuaiNo.6 revised accounts in balance sheets, income
statements, statements of cash flows and statements of changes in shareholders’equity,

(1) “Notes and accounts receivable” were split into “Notes receivable” and “Accounts

(2) “Notes and accounts payable” were split into “Notes payable” and “Accounts

(3) Newly added “Receivables financing” and “Special reserve”;

(4) Clarified or revised the contents presented within the accounts of “Other
receivables”, “Non-current assets due within one year”, “Other payables”,
“Deferred income”, “Other equity instruments”, “Research and Development
expenses”, “Interest income” and “Interest expenses” as subitems of “Finance

expenses”, “Other income”, “Non-operating income”, “Non-operating expenses”,
and “Capital injected by holders of other equity instruments”.

(5) Added disclosure requirements for provisi……


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