2019-08-21 18:51:38
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Stock Code: 000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B)Announcement No. 2019-45


Special Report on the Deposit and Actual Usage of the Raised Funds

in the First Half-Year of 2019

The Company and all members of its Board of Directors confirm that all the information

disclosed herein is true, accurate, and complete with no false or misleading statement or

material omission.

The Special Report hereunder on the Deposit and Actual Use of the Funds Raised from

Non-Public Offerings in the first half of 2019 was prepared in accordance with

‘Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies No.2-Regulatory Requirements for the

Management and Use of Funds Raised by Listed Companies’ of China Securities

Regulatory Commission (CSRC Notice [2012] No.44), ‘Guidelines for the Standard

Operation of the Companies Listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange’ (2015 Amendment)

issued by Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

I. General Information About the Raised Funds

1. Amount and date of Receiving the Raised Funds

After receiving the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission for the

issuance of shares to China National Agrochemical Co., Ltd. to acquire assets and raise

supporting funds (CSRC Permits [2017] No.1096), the Company issued 104,697,982

ordinary A shares in December 2017, at the issue price of RMB14.9 per share, raising a

total amount of RMB1,559,999,931.80. After deducting the underwriting fees of

RMB28, 079,998.78, the net amount received by the Company was RMB1,

531,919,933.02. The net amount was received on 27 December 2017 and was verified

by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountant LLP which issued a capital

verification report (De Shi Bao (Yan) Zi (17) No.00540).

2. The Used Amount of the Raised Funds in the Previous Year

As at 31 December 2018, the Company had used RMB 317,292,647.40 of the raised

funds in that year, and the balance that had notyet been used ……


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