2020-05-15 20:55:41
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Stock Code: 000530; 200530 Notice No: 2020-019
Short Form of the Stock: Bingshan; Bingshan B

Bingshan Refrigeration & Heat Transfer Technologies Co., Ltd.
Public Notice on Resolution of 2019 Shareholders’General Meeting

The Company and its whole members of Board of Directors ensure that the public notice is real,
accurate and complete, and there are no any fictitious statements, serious misleading or important
omissions carried in this notice.

There was no augmentation, rejection or changing of proposals in the Shareholders’ General
Meeting. No involved in the case of changing the previous proposals of the general meeting of

I. Particulars about holding and participants of the meeting

(I) Particulars about holding of the meeting

1. The date and time of the meeting

On-site meeting: 3:00 pm, May 15, 2020

Internet polling: May 15, 2020

(1) Voting through the trading system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange: 9:30-11:30 am and 1:00-3:00
pm dated May 15, 2020;

(2)Voting through the Internet voting system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange: anytime from 9:15 am
to 3:00 pm dated May 15,2020.

2. Place of the meeting: The conference room of the Company

3. Way of holding: On-site votes plus network polling

4. Convener: The Board of the Company

5. Presidency: Xu Junrao

6. The meeting is in line with the relevant laws and administrative regulations, departmental rules
and regulations, regulatory documents and relevant provisions of the articles of association of the

The Announcement of holding 2019 Shareholders’ General Meeting was published in China
Securities and Hong Kong Commercial Daily datedApril 18, 2020.

(II) Particulars about participants of the meeting

1. Particulars about general information of attending the meeting

18 shareholders and shareholders’ representatives attended the meeting, representing 250,765,494
shares, taking29.74% of the Company’s total share capital 843,212,507 shares.

Among them:

10 shareho……


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