2019-08-30 19:23:51
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Stock code :000413,200413 Abbreviation:Tunghsu Optoelectronic, Tunghsu B Announcement No.:2019-080
Tunghsu Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd.

The S umma ry of 2019 Semi-annualReport

August 2019

I. Important Notice

The summary is abstract from full-text of annual report, for more details information , investors

should found in the full-text of annual report that published on website of Shenzhen Stock

Exchange and other website appointed by CSRC.

Non-standard audit opinion tips
□Applicable √ Not applic ab le

The board discussed reporting period ordinary shares profit distribution plan or provident fund to

sharecapital plan
□Applicable √ Not applic ab le

The board approved this reporting period preferred shares profit distribution plan

□Applicable √ Not applic ab le
II. Company Information
1、 company profile

Tunghsu Optoelectronic, 000413、200413

Stock abbreviation Tunghsu B Stock code

Stock e xchan ge for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Contact person and contact manner Board secretary Securities affairs Rep resent at ive

Name GongXin Wan gQin gfei

No.1 Caiyuan Street, Xicheng District, No.1 Caiy uan Street, Xicheng District,
Add Beijing Beijing

Tel 010-63541061 010-63541061

E-mail gongxin_dx@126.com wangqingfei@dong-xu.com

2、Summary of Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively restate any of its accounting

□Yes √ No

Changes of this period
Reportingperiod Same period of la……


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