2019-08-26 15:52:45
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Shandong Airlines Co., Ltd.

Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2019

I. Important Notice

The summary is abstract from full-text of annual report, for more details of operating results, financial condition and future

development plan of the Company; investors should found in the full-text of annual report that published on media appointed by


Prompt of non-standard audit opinion

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There is no plan of cash bonus, dividend distribution and capitalizing of common reserves carried out by the Company.

Profit distribution pre-plan of preferred stock deliberated and approved by the Board in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Basic information of the company

1. Company profile

Short form of the stock Shanhang-B Stock code 200152

Stock exchange for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Person/Way to contact Secretary of the Board Rep. of security affairs

Name Dong Qiantang Fan Peng

1/F, Tiangong Office Building, North of 3/F, Tiangong Office Building, North of

Office add. Red-crowed cranes Hotel, Yaoqiang Red-crowed cranes Hotel, Yaoqiang

InternationalAirlines, Licheng District, InternationalAirlines, Licheng District,

Jinan, Shandong Jinan, Shandong

Tel. 0531-82085939 0531-82085586

E-mail dongqt@sda.cn fanp@sda.cn

2. Main financial data and indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not

□Yes √ No

Increase/decrease over same



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沪ICP证:沪B2-20070217 网站备案号:沪ICP备05006054号-11 沪公网安备 31010402000120号 版权所有:东方财富网 意见与建议:4000300059/952500