2019-10-20 16:01:21
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Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.

The Third Quarterly Report2019

October 2019

1 Important Notice

The Board of Directors ,Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company

hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in this report

and shall assume joint and several liab ility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of thecontents hereof.

All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarterly Report.

Mr.Chen Lue, Person in charge of the Company, Ms.Yang Chun ling, Chief financial officer and the Ms. Yang

Chunling, the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby

confirm theauthenticity and completeness of thefinancial report enclosed in this Quarterly Report.

II. Basic informationabout the company

I.Main financial data and financial index

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively restate any of its accounting data.

□Yes √ No

As at the end of the As at the end of last y ear Changed (%)over end of

reportingperiod p rev. y ear

Gross assets(Yuan) 7,970,364,354.91 9,603,455,934.89 -17.01%

Net assets attributable to the

shareholders of the listed -1,297,416,656.35 235,202,473.51 -651.62%


Increase/decrease Between beginnin g

of the year tothe Changed (%)over

Reportingperiod over the same period end of the report end of p rev. y ear



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