2018-10-16 00:00:00
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1证券代码:002594 证券简称:比亚迪

特定对象调研 分析师会议
媒体采访 业绩说明会
新闻发布会 路演活动
其他 (电话会议)
参与单位名称及人员姓名 辉立资本、董事、陈思仪一行9人
时间 2018-10-12 9:30
地点 坪山比亚迪
上市公司接待人员姓名 王海进、吴越

Q1:A brief introduction to the development of BYD.
Answer:Currently BYD had four business segments which are auto business、handset components and assembly business、rechargeable battery and photovoltaic business and skyrail business. The total revenue of BYD was over 100 billion in 2017. The proportion of automobile business was 53%, 39% of revenue was from handset components and assembly business, 8% of revenue was from rechargeable batteries and photovoltaic business. Skyrail business just began since last year, the revenue ratio was still low.

Q2:What is the 542 strategy?
Answer: 5 means the acceleration is less than 5 second. 4 means All Wheel Drive, 2 means 100km oil consumption only need 2 liter.

Q3:What is capacity of battery?
Answer: By the end of 2017, our capacity reached 16Gwh. This year we will add additional 24Gwh capacity in Qinghai province, it is expected the total capacity will reach 40Gwh by the end of 2019.

Q4:Will any new NEV models launch in the future?
Answer: We launch brand new generation of Tang、Qin and NEV version of Song Max. Meanwhile we are also going to launch a pure electric compact SUV called Yuan EV360. The new models with Dragon Face appearance design and higher product performance will usher in new growth cycle.

Q5:What is the strategy of monorail to BYD?
Answer: BYD stepped into monorail business in 2016, the chairman hope BYD could transform cities on wheels into cities on railway in order to resolve the rising traffic congestion issues in china. Besides tier 1 and tier 2 cities, tier 3 and tier 4 cities still are largely unexplored. The chairman think this area will be a blue ocean, it will be one of growth driver in the future.

主要适用于附件清单(如有) 无
日期 2018-10-12

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