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Ticker: 002242 StockAbbreviation: Joyoung
Joyoung Co., Ltd.Abstract of the Annual Report 2023

Section I Important Statements

This is an abstract of the Annual Report 2023. Investors are suggested to read the complete version of the Annual Report 2023 on the

media, which is designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission(the “CSRC”) to have a full understanding of operational

results, financial statements, and future plans of the Company. Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese version and

English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

All Directors were present at the Board meeting at which this report was considered.

Modified Audit Opinion
□Applicable √ N/A

The preliminary plan for dividend distribution or converting capitalreserves into share capital for common shareholders which were

considered and approved by the Board

√Applicable □N/A

Convert capital reserves into share capital

□ Yes √ No

The Board has considered and approved the following dividend payout plan for the Reporting Period: based on the
Company's total shares of 767,017,000, and deducting the 4,000,000 shares repurchased by the Company, it is proposed that,
based on a total of 763,017,000 shares, the Company should distribute a cash dividend of RMB 1.5 (tax inclusive) and 0 stock
dividend (tax inclusive) per 10 shares to all the shareholders and should not convert capital reserves into share capital.

The preliminary plan for dividend distribution for preferred shares in the reporting period was approved by the Board

□Applicable √ N/A
Section II Company Profile
1. Company Information

StockAbbreviation Joyoung Stock Code 002242

Stock Exchange Where the Shares of Shenzhen Stock Exchange

the Company are Listed

Contact Us Board Secretary Securities Representative

Name Minxin MIAO



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