2024-04-25 21:06:24
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Stock Code: 000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) Announcement No.2024-21

Statement and Commitment by the Independent

Director Candidate of the Company

Mr. YANG Guangfu, the independent director candidate for the 10th Session of the

Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), has

fullyunderstood and agreed being nominatedbytheBoardofDirectorsoftheCompany

as the nominee. It is hereby declared and guaranteed that I myself do not have any

relations with the Company that may affect my independence and I meet all the

qualification and independency requirements as an independent director in compliance

with relevant laws, administrative regulations, standard guidelines and rules of

Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The detailed statement is as follows.

I. I myself have passed the qualification examination by the Nomination Committee of

the 9th Session of the Board of Directors of the Company, and the nominee does not

have any interest or other close relationship with me that may affect the independent

performance of my duties.

√ True □ False

If it is false, please provide details.


II. I myself do not fall within any of the cases stipulated in Article 146 of the Company

Law of the People’s Republic of China that could disqualify me as a director of the


√ True □ False

If it is false, please provide details.


III. I myself have all the qualifications and meet the requirements stipulated in
Measures for the Administration of Independent Directors of Listed Companies issued
by the China Securities RegulatoryCommissionand the business rules ofthe Shenzhen
Stock Exchange.
√ True □ False

If it is false, please provide details.


IV. I myself meet all the criteria for independent directors specifie……


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