Good For You I'm in my 14 carats, I'm 1
2018-11-09 21:38:15
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Good For You
I'm in my 14 carats, I'm 14 carat
Doing it up like Midas
Now you say I got a touch, so good, so good
Make you never wanna leave, so don't, so don't
Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice.
And syncopate my skin to your heart beating
Cause I just wanna look good for you,
good for you,
I just wanna look good for you, good for you,
Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
Leave this dress a mess on the floor
And still look good for you, good for you,
I'm on my Marquise diamonds, I'm a Marquise diamond
Could even make that Tiffany jealous, mmm.
You say I give it to you hard, so bad, so bad
Make you never wanna leave, I won't, I won't
Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice.
And syncopate my skin to how you're breathing
Cause I just wanna look good for you,
good for you
I just wanna look good for you, good for you
Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
Leave this dress a mess on the floor
And still look good for you, good for you
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